Steam Cleaning

Leave a lasting Impact

Steam Cleaning Services in the Central Valley

Steam Cleaning

Restaurants and commercial kitchens are required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 96), 2021 to have their cooking equipment inspected and cleaned at least one time per year by a trained and certified professional to reduce the risk of fire.

According to the NFPA, approximately 61% of all restaurants fires between 2010 and 2014 were caused by cooking - with cooking equipment being the most frequent items initially ignited and therefore the cause of the fire. This makes up three out of five fires and 38% of direct property damage.

Source: NFPA Research - Structure Fires in Eating and Drinking Establishments.

The high-temperature and highly pressurized dry steam targets the entire surface area, even difficult-to-reach cracks, and crevices. Compared to traditional cleaning methods, our process uses solution-based steam to effectively remove grease, bacteria, mold, and allergy-causing particles.

The steam disinfects while providing infection reduction benefits to hotels, healthcare, restaurants, fitness centers, commercial and residential restrooms/showers, and more.

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Experience the Cleaning Pros Plus difference today. Your journey toward a safer, healthier, and more inviting space starts here. Contact us today to discover the joy of our exceptional environmental services that leaves a lasting impact.

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