Environmental Services

Infection Control (Disinfection)

Protect your business, home, and vehicle fleet with an EPA and CDC-approved solution. Our disinfectant treatment includes Electrostatic technology which provides targeted and full application coverage.

Cleaning Pros Plus solutions treat over thirty pathogens including SARS-Cov2 and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). It is a less-corrosive, less-toxic, neutral pH formula which is tough on germs and odors but gentle on skin, pets, and plants.



Odor Removal and Control

Do you have an unbearable malodor in your business, home, or vehicle that seems to get worse the more deodorizers you apply? Stop wasting your time and money or solutions that do not work.

Call Cleaning Pros Plus, the malodor identification, removal, and control experts. We are trained and certified in the process of malodor source identification, removal, and control.

Our proven processes can treat a wide range of malodors to include smoke, bacteria, fungi, viruses, pets, dead animals, tobacco smoke, fuel oil spills and new carpet.


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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Testing and Sanitizing

Cleaning Pros Plus is a National Organization Of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (NORMI™) member firm and provides testing of indoor air quality of businesses and residences.

Our process includes the initial screening of the microbial load in structures using and five-step process that begins with taking samples of the pre-treated environment. These samples are tested by an independent lab and based on the lab results the appropriate remediation process is implemented.

A post-screening of the sanitized/remediated area is performed to ensure the microbial load is reduced to an acceptable level. After review of the post-screening lab results (NORMI™) will issue to the property owner a NORMI™ Certification of Sanitization.


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Get in touch

Experience the Cleaning Pros Plus difference today. Your journey toward a safer, healthier, and more inviting space starts here. Contact us today to discover the joy of our exceptional environmental services that leaves a lasting impact.

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